Group Photo of Faculty Leadership Fellows2024-2025 Faculty Fellows and UNT President Harrison Keller, Ph.D.

UNT is committed to developing leaders capable of catalyzing and sustaining change. The UNT Leadership Fellows program, founded in 2008, supports individual and organizational skill-building. Competencies such as increased self-awareness, confidence, strategic thinking, relationship building, and interdisciplinary collaborations are a few of the key outcomes of the year-long program. 

The Fellows Program has two options: Faculty Leadership Fellows (FLF) and Academic Affairs Fellows (AAF). The FLF option is ideal for an emerging faculty leader interested in gaining more visibility and experience leading a college-level project and networking with other college leaders across the university. Our AAF program is for high-potential or established faculty leaders (current or former chairs, program directors, center directors). The AAF option involves an immersive leadership development experience in co-leading one or more university-level projects with the guidance of a Faculty Success Office sponsor. The AAF offers a full-time faculty member an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in institutional planning and decision-making, change management, program development, and academic policy at the university level. The AAF includes a one-course buyout for each semester.

Fellows in both program options will meet monthly as a learning cohort to:

  • Develop and lead/co-lead strategic projects (college or university-level)
  • Assess and utilize leadership strengths and opportunities
  • Learn from Fellow cohort members and executive and senior leaders
  • Engage with senior and executive leaders at the UNT-Denton campus
  • Increase confidence in communicating about strategic projects, impacts, and leadership role
  • Broaden network among academic leaders and colleagues on the UNT-Denton campus

Applications open during the spring term for both Faculty Fellow options for the following academic year.

2024-25 Academic Affairs Fellows

Brian Richardson, Ph.D.
Communication Studies
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Daniella Smith, Ph.D.
Hazel Harvey Peace Endowed Professor
Information Science
College of Information

Uyen Tran-Parsons, Ph.D.
Principal Lecturer
Counseling and Higher Education
College of Education

2024-25 Leadership Fellows

Portrait of Thomas Brindle
Thomas Brindle

Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Multidisciplinary Innovation

Mark Evers speaking at a podium
Mark Evers, Ph.D.

Department of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law

Portrait of Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Social Work

Portrait of Tiffany Norris
Tiffany Norris, Ph.D.
Associate Librarian
UNT Libraries Research Support Services

Portrait of Han Wen
Han Wen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Hospitality, Event and Tourism Management

Portrait of Yong Yang
Yong Yang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Past UNT Leadership Fellows