Page Updated: January 30, 2021

If you are adding a new course to the Core Curriculum, you must go through two separate processes:  adding a course to the University inventory of courses and designating that course as a Core course. 

Absolutely all proposals related to the addition of, deletion of, or changes to core courses must be approved through the College level no later than September 1 if they are to become effective the following academic year. This allows time for the Director of the Core to review and approve the proposals, the OCCC to review the proposal at their November meeting, and the UUCC to consider the proposal at their December meeting. 

At that point, all proposals that have been approved must be processed by the Registrar's office and submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for review. THECB submissions will be made in late February. It typically takes the THECB about a month to make their decision, and then UNT has another 30 days to appeal any negative outcomes. The Director of the Core may require assistance from affected departments in the appeal process. 

Ultimately, UNT should know about any changes to the Core Curriculum by late April or May. Relevant departments and the UUCC will be notified.