Michael McPherson

Dr. Michael McPherson

Office of the Provost
940-565-3952 | Michael.McPherson@unt.edu

As Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Michael McPherson is responsible for the main mission of the institution, including teaching, research and professional service as carried out by its academic programs and services. Dr. McPherson handles budget allocations for the schools, colleges, libraries, and academic support areas, and provides leadership in the development and supervision of programs, including changes in curriculum, degree programs, and organization, in conjunction with the deans and representatives of the faculty. He provides leadership in the implementation of effective planning in academic affairs, ensures leadership and excellence in academic degree programs and support units. Dr. McPherson represents the academic interests of the university in off-campus activities as designated by the President and acts for the President in his absence.

Holly Hutchins

Holly Hutchins

Faculty Success | 940.565.3987 | Holly.Hutchins@unt.edu

  • Academic policy
  • Early-career faculty support (e.g., mentoring, CREATE program)
  • Faculty learning communities support
  • Faculty professional development
  • Faculty recognition and awards
  • Faculty search committee training
  • Faculty workplace (including exit and climate surveys)
  • Chair development and support
  • Leadership development
  • Teaching portfolios
Lisa McIntyre

Lisa McIntyre

Student Success

940.565.4259 | Lisa.Rodrigue@unt.edu

  • Academic integrity
  • Strategic retention
  • Curriculum process support
  • Waitlists and adding sections
  • Academic advising
  • UNT Learning Center
  • Evaluation of teaching
  • Undergraduate curricular services

Brandi Everett

Brandi Everett

Academic Resources940-565-3951 | Brandi.Everett@unt.edu

  • Academic budgeting
  • Instructional Fee administration
  • Differential tuition
  • Faculty job posting
  • Faculty offer letters
  • Faculty pay administration
  • Academic task payments and augmentations
  • Faculty startup commitments
  • Faculty Information System (FIS)
Victor Prybutok

Victor Prybutok

Graduate Education | 940-565-3946 | Victor.Prybutok@unt.edu

  • Toulouse Graduate School operations
  • Toulouse Graduate School student affairs
  • Toulouse Graduate School online programs
Sian Brannon

Sian Brannon

UNT Libraries (Interim)
940-891-6945 | Sian.Brannon@unt.edu

Amy Shenberger

Amy Shenberger

International Affairs (Interim)
940-565-2354 | Amy.Shenberger@unt.edu

  • UNT International
  • Intensive English Language Institute
  • Global partnerships and engagement
  • Study abroad
  • International student and scholar services

Additional Leadership

Tim Christian

Tim Christian

Academic Technologies | Tim.Christian@unt.edu


Lisa Maxwell

Lisa Maxwell

Student Success | 940-565-4317 | Lisa.Maxwell@unt.edu