Page Updated: April 2, 2021
- Core curriculum lays the foundation for a liberal education, giving students the skills
they need to succeed in their disciplinary courses
- Bones of the University Core are dictated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board and feature six core objectives (critical thinking, communication, empirical
and quantitative reasoning, teamwork, personal responsibility, and social responsibility)
- Per the THECB, the core is structured around a number of “foundation component areas”
(types of classes such as math or political science or social science); each FCA is
associated with specific core objectives
- Departments are responsible for creating “signature assignments” that give students
an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the core objectives
- If the department participates in the communal assessment process, they agree to give
the Director of the Core occasional access to student work for purposes of assessment
(assessment of the Core, not of the course)
- If the department opts for an individual assessment process, they must develop an
assessment mechanism—or use the University's rubrics, assess their own students' works,
and report those results in TracDat
- All requests to create a Core course, submit an existing course for inclusion in the
Core, or change a Core course (including changing name, course number, etc.) must
go through the university's curriculum process AND be approved by the THECB
- The THECB will only accept a single submission from the University in a calendar year
(we make ours in late April)
- The Director of the Core is here to help you at every step of this process