While we make every effort to follow the calendar, please note that some dates may be subject to change. Click here for tenure and promotion information, workflow and deadlines.
Deadline |
Item |
Point of Contact |
Jan. 15 | Fall term core curriculum assessment data due to the Core Director | University Accreditation |
March 3 | VPAA 174 due to FIS (2025-2026 Tenure Track Promotion and Tenure candidates) | Faculty Information System (FIS) |
March 3 | Memo sent to deans/chairs for 2025-26 modified service* requests | Academic Resources |
March 31 | Notifications sent out by colleges/schools for non-tenure track reappointments and non-renewals | Academic Resources |
April 1 | Memo to deans/chairs for list of full-time faculty leaving, resigning, or retiring from UNT | Faculty Success |
April 7 | Memo sent to deans/chairs for 2025-26 Faculty Development Leave* | Academic Resources |
April 15 | Report of full-time faculty leaving, resigning, or retiring from UNT, due to Faculty Success | Faculty Success |
May 1 | VPAA 174 due to FIS (2025-2026 Professional Track Promotion and Tenure candidates) | Faculty Information System (FIS) |
May 5 | Memo sent to deans/chairs for designated faculty undergoing review for 2025-26 Distinguished Research and Teaching Professorships, Regents Professorships | Faculty Success |
May 5 | Memo sent to deans/chairs for nominations for 2025-26 Distinguished Research and Teaching Professorships, Regents* Professorships | Faculty Success |
May 30 | Memo sent to deans for 2025-26 Emeritus* faculty nominations | Provost Office |
June 16 | Spring term core curriculum assessment data due to the Core Director | University Accreditation |
*Indicates items that must be presented to the Board of Regents for final approval.
Board of Regents Reports and Approvals |
August BOR Meeting | Report of Modified Service Report & Faculty Workload Report Tenure for Faculty Appointees |
Office of the Provost |
November BOR Meeting | Emeritus Faculty Nominations Report of Faculty Leave of Absence without Pay |
Office of the Provost |
February BOR Meeting | Emeritus Faculty Nominations Faculty Development Leave Requests Regents Professor Appointments amd Renewals |
Office of the Provost |
May BOR Meeting | Promotion and Tenure Recommendations Tenure for Faculty Appointees |
Office of the Provost |
Provost Office: 940-565-3952
Student Success: 940-369-5206
University Accreditation: 940-565-4266
Academic Resources: 940-565-2550
Faculty Information System (FIS): 940-369-6108
Faculty Success: 940-565-3987