Notably, more than 90% of Asian faculty report clarity with UNT's tenure process and criteria, demonstrating higher percentages than Asian faculty at peer institutions.* Eighty-nine percent of UNT's FOC report expectations for being a scholar are clear, a higher percentage than FOC at peer institutions.
In addition, UNT women faculty agree more than women faculty at peer institutions that tenure decisions are based on performance (70%).* UNT FOC perceive clear tenure criteria (81%). URM faculty perceive more clarity for the body of evidence for promotion (75%) and the promotion process (79%) compared to URM faculty at peer institutions.*
The majority of FOC perceive more clarity with the promotion process (74%) and promotion standards (65%) compared to FOC faculty at peer institutions.* URM faculty agree more than URM faculty at peer institutions that their departments had reasonable expectations for promotion (67%).*
Just over half of URM faculty agree their departments' culture encourages promotion (57%), and just over half of UNT faculty agree the messaging for tenure is clear (53%) and there is clarity around the expectations for being a colleague (53%).
Many groups of faculty reported positive views on tenure and promotion policies and
their clarity. In focus groups, URM faculty noted instances of microaggressions which
had a negative effect on their morale and feelings of job security. Additionally,
URM faculty were concerned about how URM-focused research was evaluated. professional
faculty reported feelings of marginalization related to the promotion and evaluation
process, as well as lack of clarity in moving between lecturer and clinical faculty
status. Recommendations include:
Resources on tenure and promotion at UNT are found on the UNT Provost's website.
*= UNT Outshines Peers
NOTE: FOC = Faculty of color (non-White faculty); Professional faculty = Faculty who are not on the tenure track; URM = Underrepresented minority (Black and LatinX)