CREATE Program

The purpose of the Creative and Research Enhancement Activity Time for Engagement program (CREATE) is to facilitate the development of new networks of collaborators for tenure-track assistant professors and to enhance their scholarly productivity. After successful completion of the third-year review but before application for tenure, faculty will be eligible to apply for the CREATE award to be used, in most cases, during the fourth or fifth year of a faculty member’s appointment. CREATE awards provide $4,000 in reimbursement to a faculty member’s department for travel and other related expenses for scholarly or creative activity with a new collaborator at an institution (e.g., academic institution, laboratory, relevant industry facility, etc.) outside the DFW area.  

Faculty members will typically spend at least 4 weeks with a new collaborator at the new collaborator’s institution. The hosting institution should not be the faculty member’s doctoral-granting institution; CREATE awards are intended to broaden scholars’ horizons. Should the host institution be among the top 20 institutions in the faculty member’s field, an additional $1,000 of support will be provided. Documentation that demonstrates this elevated institutional status will be required. CREATE awards are not offered for teaching or service activities.  

Faculty participating in the CREATE program must submit a brief report on their activities within four weeks of returning. A second report that presents evidence of scholarship resulting from the award must be submitted within 12 months of returning. Such evidence may include but is not limited to books, performances, journal articles, and proposals. 

All tenure-track assistant professors who have successfully completed the third-year review and have not yet applied for tenure are eligible to apply for the CREATE award. For more details about CREATE, including application due dates and reimbursement instructions, please see the links below. 

CREATE Call Memo and Guidelines 

2024 CREATE Application, due September 23, 2024