The UUCC is the primary institutional faculty body that oversees and reviews curriculum from an institutional perspective. The UUCC helps ensure that the University's curriculum and the processes and procedures by which it is reviewed and approved are consistent and appropriate. In its work, the Committee is concerned with the academic integrity of the institution and the quality of course and programmatic offerings. The oversight and review roles recognize that the university's academic programs are diverse, and that this diversity will be reflected in their curriculum.
Elected and appointed membership of the UUCC can be viewed on the Faculty Senate standing committees webpage.
Contact the UUCC co-chairs for a list of the local curriculum committee members, or the chair of your local curriculum committee.
Grad tracks are designed for students to matriculate directly from an undergraduate program at UNT into a graduate program. Please see an overview of the process.
See the detailed explanation. /curriculum/new-prog-change-exis
Consultations are a key component in curricular development to ensure that every program and course offered by the university is unique. Consultation should be initiated by course designers and also representatives of the UUCC. Although agreement is not a requirement, conference between affected departments may be required at the discretion of the UUCC.
Detailed information about the State of Texas core can be found here: /ccg, and the Director of the Core can also guide the proposal process.
Curriculog ( is an electronic tool which faculty members who are designing, changing, or removing courses and programs can use to process approvals in a virtual environment. To submit information into the Curriculog system, a user must receive permission from the Office of the Registrar personnel assigned to oversee the Curriculog System. Each college, school, department, and division has the freedom to permit or restrict access to Curriculog. A faculty member interested in submitting into the system should find out who has permission and if permission is desired, request permission from an authority in the college, school, department, and/or division. Information and permissions can be obtained by contacting
Proposals are generally completed two fiscal years in advance of the catalog date (except for September and October). A proposal submitted in November 2017 would be effective in the 2019-20 catalog.