Faculty Senate Reports

Page Updated: April 2, 2021

  • Presentation of UUCC minutes: The UUCC co-chairs (either or both) present the UUCC minutes at the monthly meeting of the Faculty Senate for approval.  If neither co-chair can attend the meeting, a voting member of the UUCC may present the minutes in place of the co-chairs.
  • Presentation of annual reports: The UUCC co-chairs prepare the annual report of the UUCC for presentation to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.  
  • Academic Affairs Committee: http://facultysenate.unt.edu/academic-affairs-committee
  • Core Oversight Committee:  https://facultysenate.unt.edu/oversight-committee-core-curriculum-occc. The Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum is a faculty senate committee consisting of 11 voting members. Most of the voting members are tenured faculty. The committee has one representative from each faculty senate group, as well as 3 at-large members. A faculty co-chair serves as the coordinator of the group. The Office of the Provost designates an administrative co-chair of the committee who will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member, which is currently the Director of the Core. The committee meets monthly between September and December, and February and May. The committee oversees Core courses through the process of inception, change, and removal from the Core. The committee uses the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board guidelines when conducting oversight of the Core courses.