UUCC Agenda & Minutes

Page Updated: April 2, 2021

Posted online at http://facultysenate.unt.edu/uucc-monthly-meeting-minutes
Non-voting agenda:

  • Item I: VPAA Information items (non-voting): Announcements from the Provost’s office, delivered by the administrative co-chair.
  • Item XI: Core Information items: Sent by the Oversight Committee on the Core Curriculum, including updates to the status of core proposals
  • Item XII: Information (cleanup) items (non-voting): Announcements about clerical catalog clean-up items, delivered by the faculty co-chair after all votes have completed.

Voting agenda: curricular proposals, with votes overseen by faculty co-chair

  • II. Request for new course
  • III. Request for experimental course: Request for experimental courses (first time offered or third time offered with co-chair approval).
  • IV. Change in existing core curriculum course: Change in course title, prerequisites, description etc.
  • V. Addition of course to core curriculum
  • VI. Deletion of course from the core curriculum
  • VII. Add/delete degree/major/professional field/concentration/option/minor
  • VIII. Change in program
    • Any curricular change that requires planning authority from the provost (and the VPAA form).
    • Change in program (VIII) if it results in an increase or decrease in the hours required for the degree or the major. This helps highlight this type of change for the Registrar.
    • Changes to minors or certificate programs (VIII). Since minors and certificates are options that students in any college can choose, it is helpful for everyone to know about changes to these.
    • Any curricular change that shows a consultation with a school or college other than the school or college originating the change. Departments and programs should be conscientious about making these consultations when they make changes that can affect students or course enrollments outside their home college or school.
    • Request for exemption from the 120-hour rule.
  • IX. Change in existing course/course deletions: Change to existing course when the change involves either a change in credit hours or a change in number from upper to lower-level or lower to upper-level.
  • X. Consent calendar: Any item may be pulled for individual discussion and vote    
    • A. Request for experimental course: Request for experimental course (second time offered).
    • B. Change in program: Change in program if it does not result in an increase or decrease in hours required for the degree or major and does not require a consultation outside the college or school.  Note: Any change that requires planning authority from the provost (and the VPAA form) goes on the regular calendar.
    • C. Change in existing course: Change in existing course (not in the core curriculum) with no change in credit hours or level and when the change does not require a consultation outside the college or school offering the course.
    • D. Course deletions: Course deletion if the course is not a degree requirement in a program outside the College or School requesting the deletion.
    • E. Grad Track Pathways: Addition of or changes to existing Grad Track Pathways that have been approved by the Graduate Council.