More UNT faculty endorse positive statements about UNT resources and support compared to peer institutions. More than 90% report satisfaction with the functioning of clinical locations, 84% report satisfaction with ability to provide high-quality health care, and 61% report satisfaction with the space of clinical care.
UNT faculty also report satisfaction with the availability of supplies for client practice (69%), computing and technical support (69%), library resources (72%), and their office (68%).
The majority of professional faculty report satisfaction with office equipment (65%), computing and technical support (76%), library resources, (74%) and clerical or administrative support (66%). professional faculty also report satisfaction with health benefits (73%), ability to provide high-quality health care (77%), and the functioning of clinical locations (88%).
More than half of Asian faculty report satisfaction with health benefits (53%). Less than half of FOC report satisfaction with health benefits for their families (49%) and retirement benefits (47%).
Some faculty groups, including professional and URM faculty, identified some areas
of concern including salaries, professional development opportunities, and infrastructure
to support growing teaching loads. The Steering Committee recommends:
*= UNT Outshines Peers
NOTE: FOC = Faculty of Color (non-White faculty); Professional faculty = Faculty who are not on the tenure track; URM = Underrepresented Minority (Black and Latinx)