Paul S. Krueger named new College of Engineering dean

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Please join me in welcoming Paul S. Krueger as the new dean of UNT’s College of Engineering. He will begin his appointment June 1.

Dr. Krueger will oversee the college’s innovative curriculum, expansive research enterprise, thriving local and global partnerships, and interdisciplinary labs and initiatives. The College of Engineering is home to world-class faculty and staff and boasts some of UNT’s fastest growing programs, and I am excited to see it continue to thrive under his leadership.

Dr. Krueger comes to UNT from Southern Methodist University, where he most recently served as interim dean of the Lyle School of Engineering. He has been a faculty member in SMU’s mechanical engineering department since 2002 and served as department chair from 2019 to 2022.

As interim dean, he led the Lyle School of Engineering’s efforts to forge new international partnerships and strengthen existing ones, enhance recruiting activities, and simplify the process for awarding Ph.D. fellowships. As department chair, he spearheaded the development of a strategic plan, promoted curriculum changes and new programs to expand student opportunities, and increased department outreach to industry partners. In addition to winning numerous awards for his research and scholarship, Dr. Krueger is a pioneering inventor with several issued patents and pending patents related to his work in non-traditional propulsion, 3D printing, and drag reduction. Learn more about Dr. Krueger.

I want to extend my deepest appreciation and commendation to Dr. Shengli Fu, who has served as interim dean of the College of Engineering since July 2022. Thank you for your strong, steady, and insightful leadership throughout this transition.

I am pleased to welcome Dr. Krueger to the UNT family. I know that his bold vision for the future of STEM education and dedication to student, faculty, and staff success will create extraordinary opportunities for the College of Engineering and strengthen our university’s impact in the North Texas region and beyond.


Michael A. McPherson, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs