Results from the 2021-2022 COACHE Survey & Focus Groups
Areas of Strength
- 81% satisfaction among UNT faculty with discretion over course content
- 70% satisfaction among UNT faculty with influence over focus of research
- 71% satisfaction among UNT faculty with time spent on teaching
The majority of UNT faculty report satisfaction with multiple aspects of teaching and service. Notably, more than 80% of UNT faculty report satisfaction with discretion over course content, 70% of UNT faculty report satisfaction with influence over focus of research, and 71% of UNT faculty report satisfaction with time spent on teaching.
Moreover, UNT faculty report more satisfaction than faculty at peer institutions with the quality of graduate teaching assistants.* The majority of UNT faculty report satisfaction with the number (68%) and level (77%) of courses taught, the number of students in classes taught (61%), and their teaching schedules (73%).
Other Areas of Strength
The majority of professional faculty report satisfaction with the attractiveness of committees (61%) and the number and relevance of committees (62% and 76%, respectively). Full professors report satisfaction with the relevance of committees (64%) and the number of student advisers (62%). Pre-Tenure faculty report satisfaction with time spent on research (62%).
Areas of Growth
- 45% satisfaction among UNT faculty with equitability of distribution of teaching load
- 30% satisfaction among Associate faculty with funding for graduate students*
- 45% satisfaction among Pre-Tenure faculty with support for leadership roles*
All faculty report satisfaction with equitability of distribution of teaching load (45%), graduate student funding (30%), and support for leadership roles (45%), respectively.
Recommendations and Resources
Some recurring areas of concern included work/life balance and R1 transition issues. The Steering Committee recommends:
- Improving equity in assignment, recognition, and evaluation of work, including service, particularly for professional and URM faculty.
- Identifying opportunities for workload flexibility as the university adjusts to R1 status. professional faculty in particular noted that they are experiencing larger class sizes and increased service loads during this transition.
RESOURCE #1: Faculty Success and CLASS will host workload equity workshops for academic leaders and faculty.
RESOURCE #2: DSI CLEAR offers teaching resources. Faculty Success will soon hire a full-time Faculty Development Specialist to support pedagogical initiatives.
RESOURCE #3: Research and Innovation offers a variety of workshops and initiatives to support faculty research.
*= UNT Outshines Peers
NOTE: FOC = Faculty of color (non-White faculty); Professional faculty = Faculty who are not on the tenure track; URM = Underrepresented minority (Black and Latinx)