New Advisor Onboarding

The New Advisor Onboarding Home Page consolidates numerous processes in order to streamline tasks as a new advisor at the University of North Texas. As a part of its mission to support and strengthen academic advising on campus, the Office of Advising Services has designed this guide as a way to engage new advisors and introduce them to the UNT advising community. 

This guide is intended as a supplement to specific and comprehensive training provided by your office. So whether you advise in a department or an academic service unit, we hope you will find this information and these resources useful.
If you have any further questions, please contact

Goals and Objectives 

  • To provide a smooth transition into the institution and academic advising profession.  
  • To introduce the objectives and expectations of academic advising at UNT.  
  • To Equip new colleagues with knowledge and resources to aid in their growth and development. 
  • To build community, fellowship, and support from other academic advisors.  
  • To present other training and professional development opportunities on campus.