Business & Industry

Business & Industry subject area majors prepare students for careers that evolve with the world around them - from customer relations and partnership building to data analytics and developing industry-specific knowledge and skills. Opportunities include careers in business and information processing environments, advertising, hospitality management, etc. The Business & Industry subject area comprises majors from various academic areas of study, enabling UNT students to bring their unique perspectives to the workplace. Many majors in this subject area include structured internship opportunities that allow students to gain valuable experience from industry leaders in the DFW area and beyond. 

Click here to learn more about the majors minors and certificates in UNT's Business & Industry subject area.


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You may be a good fit for a major in the  Business & Industry subject area if you consider yourself to be one or more of the following:  

Enthusiastic | Persuasive | Confident | Risk-Taker | Ambitious| Sociable | Influential | Talkative | Fast-Paced
Enterprising students are often energetic, ambitious, adventurous, friendly, and self-confident. They enjoy activities that require them to persuade others- such as sales and marketing, they seek out leadership roles and are often effective public speakers. Preferred work environments encourage leadership, management, political influence, marketing, etc. 

Practical | Detailed | Persistent | Dependable | Efficient | Precise | Systematic | Methodical | Responsible
Conventional students tend to be organized, dependable, and detail-oriented and may enjoy working with data, numbers, and systems. They thrive in structured environments where they can apply their analytical skills and enjoy creating order out of chaos. Their thought processes tend to be logical and systematic, and they excel at breaking down problems into manageable steps to find solutions. 

Practical | Hands-on | Active | Athletic | Skilled | Mechanical | Hardworking | Ambitious | Structured
Students who score high in the Realistic area of the Holland Code often prefer to work with things rather than ideas and people. Realistic students generally prefer to “learn by doing” in a practical, task-oriented setting, as opposed to spending extended periods in a classroom. They may prefer work environments that foster technical competencies and work that allows them to produce tangible results. 

Curious | Scholarly | Analytical | Independent | Precise | Scientific | Observant | Logical | Wise
Often analytical, intellectual, and observant, investigative individuals enjoy research, mathematical, or scientific activities. People who fall into this theme enjoy using logic and solving highly complex problems. Ideal work environments for an investigative person encourage scientific competencies, allow independent work, and solving abstract, complex problems in original ways

Business & Industry Subject Area Themes, Marketable Skills, & Careers