Advising Objectives

In support of student success at UNT, academic advising is a collaborative partnership between advisor and student. Academic advisors use a holistic and developmental approach to assist students in defining, clarifying, and achieving academic, personal and career goals.

Advisors will guide students in:

  • Partnering and collaborating with advisors to develop a plan to accomplish their educational goals;
  • Understanding and applying knowledge about their degree requirements, degree options, campus resources, and online advising tools and resources;
  • Understanding the importance of deadlines, policies, procedures and accepting their responsibility to uphold them;
  • Succeeding at UNT by showing up, finding support, taking control, being prepared, getting involved and being persistent;
  • Accepting and embracing their responsibilities as engaged citizens of UNT and the world.

Advising Responsibilities

  1. Listen, communicate well, and make connection with each student
    • Actively listen to all questions and concerns and take steps to provide support
    • Assist in the development of personal responsibility and initiative
    • Assist in accepting and embracing their responsibilities as engaged citizens of UNT and the world
    • Deliver streamlined resources in a user-friendly format
    • Offer a standardized feedback survey after each advising session and respond appropriately to responses and assessments
    • Maintain confidentiality and adhere to FERPA
  2. Provide information and assist in academic planning
    • Engage with students to help them define, clarify and achieve their personal, academic and career goals
      • First Flight
      • Four-Year Plans
      • Mandatory Advising
    • Effectively communicate and explain institutional policies, procedures, deadlines, curriculum, general education requirements, and academic programs
    • Provide information to assess academic progress on 4-Year Plan
      • U.Achieve
      • U.Direct
    • Introduce advising tools such as, interactive audits, transfer guides, catalog, GPA calculators, EagleConnect, Visual Schedule Builder, Transferology, TES
    • Refer students to appropriate campus resources
    • Understand and navigate the impact of financial aid and tuition costs on academic progress
      • SAP
      • Eagle Express
      • Excess Hours
      • Emerald Eagle
    • Suggest resources to assist in exploring areas of study and career options
  3. Stay current, knowledgeable and well-trained
    • Participate in training facilitated by the respective college and academic affairs in order to stay current and knowledgeable of internal college and university-wide programs and requirements

Student Responsibilities

  • Accept responsibility for decisions and actions
  • Schedule and attend regular advising appointments.  Come prepared and on time to each appointment
  • Ask questions, request clarification, and keep records
  • Use advising tools, personal tools, websites and interactive audit to track academic progress
  • Request an official degree audit/plan at the appropriate time
  • Understand prerequisites, course sequencing and rotation schedules as they apply to your degree and plan accordingly
  • Understand the importance of registering early
  • Understand the policies, procedures, general education requirements, academic programs and the role they play in your academic experience and success
  • Utilize campus resources and be involved in connecting on campus
  • Complete all assignments and recommendations provided by your advisor
  • Seek out academic and student services when needed
  • Talk with faculty and staff members as needed
  • Explore extracurricular activities to facilitate academic achievement and experience
  • Be aware of your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Respond to all official UNT correspondence directed specifically to you

Differentiated Advising Expectations over the Life Cycle of the Student

Advisors foster student engagement and the acceptance of their responsibility to adhere to university policies and utilize the appropriate university resources.  To support the holistic advising model at UNT, advisors will help students become familiar with available resources and assist students in navigating information and services to achieve their goals.

First Year

  • Meet with students early in their academic career to discuss their program, major options and timely progression;
  • Work with students to develop a degree plan for their specific major and minor that will support a timely graduation; 
  • Connect students to career development resources and the Career Center;
  • Introduce opportunities for students to connect with the University early;
  • Encourage students to develop an understanding of the value of relationships with peers, faculty and staff to enhance their connections and resources;
  • Support students in the need to develop physical and mental well-being;
  • Encourage students to explore and capitalize on growth opportunities to gain an appreciation of cultural diversity on campus and globally.

Second and Third Years:

  • Have open conversations to help students synthesize realistic academic and life goals;
  • Encourage further development of genuine relationships with faculty and staff;
  • Emphasize to students the importance of monitoring their academic progress to stay on track;
  • Encourage students to continue to expand their academic network and take more active leadership roles;
  • Connect students to resources and services/organizations that will enhance academic success;
  • Encourage students to speak with faculty about professional organizations that will enhance academic and/or career success;
  • Stress importance of creating a resume and other materials/resources needed for participation in job fairs;
  • Encourage students to seek opportunities that will further support career or graduate school choices, such as internships, research projects or Study Abroad.

Fourth Year:

  • Inform students of the importance of graduation checks, minimally the semester before graduation;
  • Encourage students to refine interview techniques, career research methods, and career resources through the Career Center;
  • Assist students in developing a post-graduation plan.