Page Updated: April 2, 2021
The Travel department assists with travel for:
- Faculty - Current and Prospective
- Staff - Current and Prospective
- Students - Individual and Group
- Guests - Visiting speakers, family of prospective hire, other business related travelers
Administrators should review the UNT Travel Guidelines for each specific type of traveler.
Before any travel can be it must be approved by the employees supervisor and the department account holder that will be financing the travel. Approval should be recorded on the the Employee Expense Report (Formerly travel voucher)and sent to the Travel Department.
For questions regarding mileage please consult the Mileage page for current rates and additional information.
Per Diem rates can also be found on the travel page both domestic and international.
Concur is the preferred travel booking system for the University. This is located on the My.UNTSystem portal.