Resources for Program-Level Reflection

Resources for Program-Level Reflection

There have been many valuable additions to the literature in the areas of inclusive curricula and pedagogy in recent years. Here are a few that may be helpful to faculty undertaking reviews. UNT Community members are invited to submit to the Vice Provost for Student Success additional resources they find especially helpful. 

Division of Equity and Inclusion University of California, Berkeley (2015). Strategic Planning for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity: Toolkit

Gorski, P. (2019). Avoiding Racial Equity Detours, Educational Leadership, April 2019, 56-61.  

Kafka, A.C. A curriculum that matters: how colleges are teaching society's most pressing problems (2020).

Kenney, J. (2020) Integrating Critical and Inclusive Practices ( 

Keyek-Franssen, D. (2018). 5 Tips for Supporting Inclusive and Open Pedagogies. Educause Review. 

Mitchneck, B., Smith, J. L., Latimer, M. A Recipe for Change: Creating a More Inclusive Academy (2021)

Peoples, L.Q., Islam, T., and Davis T. (2021). The Culturally Responsive-Sustaining STEAM Curriculum Scorecard, New York: Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, New York University.