Frequently Asked Questions - Faculty

Below are Frequently Asked Questions about the Academic Integrity Office for faculty: please click on each question to see its answer. If you have any additional questions, please email .

This module, including instruction and a quiz on the UNT Academic Integrity Policy, may be posted in Canvas classes for use in introductory classes within a course. Additionally, a complete academic integrity course, Academic Integrity Matters, is available in Canvas Commons.

I suspect a student of violating the Academic Integrity Policy. What do I do now?

Check out the Academic Integrity Decision Tree! This decision tree will walk you through the academic integrity process.

The forms are located at Use the Academic Violation Report - Single Violation form for EACH violation. Each violation needs to be filed individually, even if the assignments were due on the same day. A report should be filed if an instructor decides that a preponderance of evidence shows the student violated the policy..

Based on the Student Academic Integrity Policy (UNT Policy 6.003), any form of "unauthorized assistance" constitutes cheating. If the use of artificial intelligence is not authorized for the assignment in question, the violation is "cheating". 

The faculty, administration, and students all have had input on the formulation of Student Academic Integrity Policy (UNT Policy 6.003). The university has deemed academic integrity a value intrinsic to education and to the validity of a UNT degree. Therefore, cases must be reported to the Academic Integrity Office for each violation. 

No. You may now file one form for multiple violations so long as the violations were all part of a single incident on a single date. For example, if you are reporting that a student cheated and also facilitated academic dishonesty on a single exam, you can file a single report. If you are reporting cheating on multiple exams, you will need to file multiple reports. The Academic Integrity Office may take additional actions for major or multiple violations of the Academic Integrity Policy. The student has the due process right to appeal each violation separately.

Yes, you need to meet with the student in person, or on a video platform like Zoom, or via phone, or possibly by email (least desirable) to give the student the opportunity to tell their side of the story. If the student does not respond to you within 5 business days or declines the meeting, you may file the form and indicate that the student did not respond or that they responded and then declined. When you contact the student about the possible violation, please indicate you have reason to believe the student has been involved in an Academic Integrity violation.

The policy states that the instructor should contact the student and discuss the allegations with them “as soon as possible.” If the instructor decides to file the form after that meeting, the instructor also should file it “as soon as possible.” Our guidance is to file as soon as you identify the violation.

No. Under FERPA guidelines, the AI Office is not at liberty to disclose that information, nor can the AI office disclose any additional sanctions assigned, or the result of any appeal the student files.

The information will go to the chair of the department, who will gather information and make a ruling on the appeal. Some chairs have formed a committee who will hear the appeal and issue a ruling. For this reason, you should avoid discussing the violation with your chair until you determine whether the student is appealing. Should you wish to discuss the issue to get feedback, we prefer you contact the AI office.