Beyond Tenure and Promotion: Soaring Into the Next Season of Your Faculty Career

As a faculty member in the middle of your career, you may be asking the question, “So, now what?” Join your colleagues in an interactive workshop that will provide information about career advancement and development beyond the tenure and promotion milestones. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about UNT's mid-career faculty resources, participate in round-table discussions with experienced faculty that have pursued different and passionate opportunities in the mid-late season of their career, and engage in career-mapping to fuel your next soar. 

We will also have a book giveaway of "Managing Your Academic Career: A Guide to Re-Envision Mid-Career" (Baker, 2022) and other great Faculty Success swag for some lucky participants.

Please complete the RSVP form below and share what you would like to know more about relative to this exciting career season.

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Date: 03/26/24
Time: 11:30am
Location: University Union 382
Contact: Faculty Success
Phone: no number available