Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy Initiative

Moving Forward Together on Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy


In this era of increasing polarization, UNT’s mission of preparing students for the challenges they will meet in a world that is evolving rapidly has never been more important. A critical part of this preparation is helping students learn to consider and engage with different perspectives, and to be comfortable and confident expressing their own. Unfortunately, some students, particularly from minoritized groups, do not always feel included, nor that their experiences are valued. Indeed, minoritized students often express doubt that they belong in the academic programs in which they are interested or even that they belong at a university at all. For the sake of all our students, it is incumbent on all of us that we carefully examine our policies and practices to ensure that they “equitably support, affirm, and validate students from…minoritized groups.”[1] 

In June 2020, President Smatresk presented Moving Forward Together: UNT’s Action Plan for Improving Diversity and Inclusion on Campus.[2] Part of this comprehensive plan involves looking at academic and curricular changes supportive of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). To this end, the Provost Office is asking faculty to re-examine content and instructional practices in their courses, and departments to consider whether the broader programs may recognize and value diverse perspectives and expose every student to DEI-related content. To be clear, this is not the work of a single year, but rather must be an ongoing effort. But as a community we must be intentional in this work and we must begin.

The Inclusive Curricula and Pedagogy Review Process


[1] Syllabus Review Guide, Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, p. 3.
