Student Success

Ricco Ethics Scholarship 2024-2025

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Nest Builders

Building Better Pathways to Success

Nest Builders promotes academic success, social connection, career development, and overall wellness for students. Throughout the term, students are prompted to connect with advisors, join tutoring sessions, attend financial coaching, and participate in other activities associated with student success. Participating students may earn awards to be applied to their financial aid for the following year if students maintain full-time status as they continue their undergraduate journey here at the University of North Texas. 

Presentation Request Form

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Thank you for your interest in learning more about academic integrity at UNT. We look forward to the possibility of working with your group.

Please submit training requests at least two weeks prior to the requested dates.

For questions, concerns, or to check the status of a request, please email

Scheduler Info:

Presentation Information:

Training Date:



Here at UNT, we are extremely grateful for all of our exceptional faculty. We are proud of the difference they make in students' lives, and would like to recognize some of the most thanked teachers at our university.

 Dr. Kat Aoyama

Associate Professor

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
