Lauren Lake is a Professor of Studio Art and currently the Chair of the Department of Studio Art. As a department chair, she has half-jokingly described her job as “filling seats”. Not as some sort of simplified or even crude metric, but as a starting point for effective arts administration in higher education. In that, she must be sure those “seats” are taught by excellent faculty, provided scholarships & awards, provided appropriate staff, facilities, equipment, and access... Read more
Dr. Jill Dewey has been a Lecturer and Faculty Advisor for the Department of Biological Sciences since the Fall semester of 2015. She teaches General Biology I for Science Majors and Elementary Biochemistry. For these classes, she incorporates active learning strategies, such as concept maps, labeling exercises, case studies, and problem-solving sessions, to improve student engagement and retention. As a faculty advisor, Dr. Dewey meets with students as they progress through their degree... Read more
Dr. Lisa Henry is a Professor of Anthropology at UNT. As an applied medical anthropologist with 20 years of experience, her research interests include food insecurity, globalization and health, biomedicine and healthcare delivery, anthropology in public health, and indigenous healing systems. Her regional specializations are the U.S. and the Pacific Islands. Dr. Henry is currently investigating food insecurity among college students for the Dean of Students at UNT. Evidence that... Read more