"Assisting Students in Distress"- 1 hour over Zoom

"Assisting Students in Distress"- Provided by Counseling and Testing Services

One in four college-aged young adults are dealing with a diagnosable mental health condition.  This presentation will provide an overview of mental health issues college students face and common signs of distress.  Attendees will learn to identify these signs and issues, how to handle a crisis situation, how to communicate with a student in distress, and where to refer them for further assistance.   

Zoom link: https://taoconnect.zoom.us/j/93815340849?pwd=aDY3N1IxSzR1NTZ0SHI5SWtxZHN...


Date: 04/10/23
Time: 1:00pm
Location: Vitrual: Zoom
Contact: Marilyn Parrish
Email: marilyn.parrish@unt.edu
Phone: 940-565-2741