
Curriculog ( is an electronic tool which faculty members who are designing, changing, or removing courses and programs can use to process approvals in a virtual environment. In order to submit information into the Curriculog system, a user must receive permission from the Office of the Registrar personnel assigned to oversee the Curriculog System.  Each college, school, department, and division has the freedom to permit or restrict access to Curriculog. A faculty member interested in submitting into the system should find out who has permission and if permission is desired, request permission from an authority in the college, school, department, and/or division.  Information and permissions can be obtained by contacting

For one-on-one or department/group training, or to ask specific questions that were not answered in the training files found below and on the left side menu, please send your inquiries to

How to Login
Navigate "My Dashboard"
Start a Proposal
Launch a Proposal
The Originator Step
Make a Decision
View Changes