Faculty Information System

The Faculty Information System (FIS) is a repository for faculty achievements in the areas of teaching, research and service; along with other professional accomplishments.  FIS is used to facilitate the faculty annual review and reappointment, tenure, and promotion processes.  Reports can be generated for faculty rosters, academic program review, internal and external accrediting bodies, and state and federal agencies.  Compliance with legislative mandates, such as HB 2504, are also facilitated through FIS.  For more FIS information (including posting deadlines, FAQs, training slides, and compliance requirements), please visit the Faculty Information System website.

Contact: Hope Wilkinson (Hope.Wilkinson@unt.edu) and Jianrong Yu (Jianrong.Yu@unt.edu)

Email: Faculty.Info@unt.edu

Academic Administration Phone: 940.369.6108

Website: http://vpaa.unt.edu/provost/fis