Chelsea's Tips for Student Success



Chelsea's Tips for Student Success

What is your favorite place or thing to do on campus? Why? 
The Hurley Administration building. It’s such a time capsule for the campus. I love walking through there and looking at all of the pictures that are hung over the old registrar windows in the hall, and thinking about how it used to be the main building for all student needs. It is a cool piece of history on our campus. Plus when the tower turns green, you know we had a Mean Green victory!  

What academic advice do you have for students at UNT? 
Be proactive. Only you know yourself the best. Think about what you need to have a successful semester. Is that allotting study time in a quiet place away from home each week? Meeting with your instructors during office hours? Are you someone who needs to move all the syllabus info to your phone calendar or planner? Come up with a game plan at the beginning of the semester, write it down if needed, and stick to it! Don’t try to play catch up at the end of the semester.

What advice do you have for prospective UNT students? 
Again, be proactive! Start looking at requirements ASAP. Getting accepted is only the very beginning. Consider all of the things needed prior to beginning your first semester: orientation, TSI, housing, advising, financial aid, etc. It can be an overwhelming process so make sure you give yourself time. And don’t be afraid to ask for help! We’ve all been there before and want this to be the best experience for you. Let us know how we can make that happen!

What is the number one academic resource you recommend to UNT students?  
The Learning Center! I might be a little biased having worked in The Learning Center, but it truly is such a great resource for all students. I can’t even choose one program to highlight. Whether you need free tutoring, a quick stop in The Math Lab, to utilize Supplemental Instruction sessions or a meeting with an Academic Coach; you are guaranteed to find the academic help needed in The LC.

What is your favorite quote?  

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. -Oscar Wilde